Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Click click! A photo tour of the Info Store...

Our entrance,
via the Norwich Building main reception

The issue, renewals and returns desk -
you can borrow netbooks and laptops here too
PCs in the social networking zone

Magazines and journals -
lift the shelves for old copies

The enquiry desk -
for everything library related!

Printers / copiers -
they can be a bit tricky, so feel free to ask for help...

Quick reads -
ideal for the bus journey home

The Wellbeing Zone  -
including careers resources to borrow

CDs, all free to borrow

Annexe 1 -
for PCs, study spaces and the Seminar room,
which you can book for presentation practice, just ask

The courtyard -
where you can eat and drink  -
it is much nicer in the summer!
The most popular aisle in the silent study area -
the DVDs at 791.43, all free to borrow

The online catalogue -
each room has one for you to search on

Binding machines -
for those finishing touches to your assignments

Annexe 2 -
includes more group space
Lobby to annexes -
for the books to tall to fit on the main shelves

Last but not least...
The referencing bible!
Available to borrow at 371.30281PEA
or to buy from the issue desk

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